CV Arne Reimers
2023 - pågående: Chef Klinisk farmakologi, Klinisk kemi och farmakologi, Region Skåne
2019 - pågående: Grundare och delägare Ljung & Reimers AB, Malmö
2018 – pågående: Medicinsk ansvarig överläkare, Klinisk kemi och farmakologi, Region Skåne
2014 - 2018: Docent. Inst. for Klinisk og Molekylär Medicin, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2006 – 2018: Överläkare, Avd. för Klinisk Farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
2006 – 2012: Chef, Medicinska Sektionen, Avd. för Klinisk Farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
2009 – 2014: Forskare, Inst. för Klinisk og Molekylär Medicin, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2004 - 2008: Docent, Inst. för Neuromedicin, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2002 – 2006: ST-läkare, Avd. för Klinisk Farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
1999 – 2002: Chef, internationell marknadsföring, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1998 - 1999: Vicechef, medicinsk marknadsföring, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1995 – 1997: Vicechef, medicinsk avdelning, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1994 – 1995: Medicinsk rådgivare, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1993 – 1994: Post-doc forskare, Inst. för Neurofarmakologi, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Tyskland
1991 – 1992: Forskare, Inst. för Fysiologi, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Tyskland
2011: Dr. philos. (doktorsexamen i klinisk farmakologi), Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2006: Specialist i klinisk farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
1992: Dr. med. (doktorsexamen i klinisk farmakologi), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Tyskland
1984-91: Medicinstudier, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Tyskland
Medlemskap och verv
Publikationer (h-index: 23; citeringar: 1 950 [2024-10-20])
2023 - pågående: Chef Klinisk farmakologi, Klinisk kemi och farmakologi, Region Skåne
2019 - pågående: Grundare och delägare Ljung & Reimers AB, Malmö
2018 – pågående: Medicinsk ansvarig överläkare, Klinisk kemi och farmakologi, Region Skåne
2014 - 2018: Docent. Inst. for Klinisk og Molekylär Medicin, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2006 – 2018: Överläkare, Avd. för Klinisk Farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
2006 – 2012: Chef, Medicinska Sektionen, Avd. för Klinisk Farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
2009 – 2014: Forskare, Inst. för Klinisk og Molekylär Medicin, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2004 - 2008: Docent, Inst. för Neuromedicin, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2002 – 2006: ST-läkare, Avd. för Klinisk Farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
1999 – 2002: Chef, internationell marknadsföring, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1998 - 1999: Vicechef, medicinsk marknadsföring, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1995 – 1997: Vicechef, medicinsk avdelning, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1994 – 1995: Medicinsk rådgivare, Desitin Arzneimittel GmbH, Hamburg, Tyskland
1993 – 1994: Post-doc forskare, Inst. för Neurofarmakologi, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Tyskland
1991 – 1992: Forskare, Inst. för Fysiologi, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Tyskland
2011: Dr. philos. (doktorsexamen i klinisk farmakologi), Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norge
2006: Specialist i klinisk farmakologi, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norge
1992: Dr. med. (doktorsexamen i klinisk farmakologi), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Tyskland
1984-91: Medicinstudier, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Tyskland
Medlemskap och verv
- Styrelsemedlem & vetenskaplig sekreterare, Svensk förening för basal och klinisk farmakologi (SFBKF)
- Svenska epilepsisällskapet
- Svenska läkarförbundet
- Svenska läkaresällskapet
- Swedish Pain Society
- Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS)
- European Pain Federation (EFIC)
- Ledamot i European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT)
- American College of Clinical Pharmacology
- Royal Society of Medicine
- International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids
- Föreläsare på nationella och internationella vetenskapliga seminarer och konferanser
- Undervisning av medicinstudenter, läkare, farmaceuter, psykologer, sjuksköterskor
- Peer reviewer för vetenskapliga tidninger:
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica; Advances in Therapy; American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs; Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology; Bipolar Disorders; British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology; British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research; Case Reports in Pediatrics; Clinical Epidemiology; Clinical Pharmacokinetics; Clinical Pharmacology Advances and Applications; CNS Drugs; CNS Spectrums; Drug Design, Development and Therapy; Drugs; Drugs - Real World Outcomes; Epilepsia; Epilepsy & Behavior; Epilepsy Research; Epilepsy Research and Treatment; Epileptic Disorders; European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology; European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics; European Journal of Neurology; Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology; Expert Opinion on Neurology; Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology; Expert Review of Drug Discovery; Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics; Gender Medicine; Hospital Practice; International Journal of Clinical Practice; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; International Journal of General Medicine; Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease; Journal of Clinical Neuropharmacology; Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics; Journal of Clinical Psychiatry; Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology; Journal of Medical Toxicology; Journal of Pediatric Neurology; Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety; Neurology and Therapy; Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment; Neuroscience Letters; Patient Preference and Adherence; Pharmacological Research; Scientific Reports (Nature); Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy; Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety.
Publikationer (h-index: 23; citeringar: 1 950 [2024-10-20])
- Reimers A, Odin P, Ljung H. Drug-Induced Cognitive Impairment. Drug Safety 2024 Dec 24. doi: 10.1007/s40264-024-01506-5. Epub ahead of print.
- Reimers A, Böttiger Y. Rationell läkemedelsanvändning. Kapitel i: Läkemedelsverket (utgivare): Läkemedelsboken. 2024-09-24.
- Reimers A. Pharmacotherapy for focal epilepsy: how close are we to a cure? Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2024 Aug 14:1-3. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1080/14656566.2024.2392879 - Reimers A, Ljung H. Cognitive Safety is Largely Ignored in Clinical Drug Trials: A Study of Registered Study Protocols. Drug Saf. 2024 Jan;47(1):23-28.
- Reimers A, Ljung H. Läkemedel och kognition. Bokkapitel. In: Nyman H, Bartfai A (red.). Klinisk neuropsykologi. 2023. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
- Shirzadi M, Saunes M, Reimers A, Brodtkorb E. Rash during lamotrigine treatment is not always drug hypersensitivity a retrospective cohort study among children and adults. Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 2021, Volume 89, 12 - 18
- Olsson P, Pearson K, Reimers A, Källén K. Widespread skeptic attitudes among people with epilepsy towards generic antiseizure drugs – A Swedish survey study. Epilepsy Behav 2021;114(Pt A):107554. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107554
- Reimers A. Antiepileptic Drugs. Bokkapitel. In: Offermanns S., Rosenthal W. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology. 2020, Springer, Cham.
- Svensson M, Reimers A, Reis M. Allt fler kvinnor i fertil ålder tar antidepressiva läkemedel. Läkartidningen 2020; 117 (17-18)
- Olsson P, Reimers A, Källén K. Quality of life after switching to generic levetiracetam - A prospective comparative study. Epilepsy Behav 2019; 96:169-174
- Reimers A, Ljung H. The emerging role of omega-3 fatty acids as a therapeutic option in neuropsychiatric disorders. Ther Adv Psychopharmacol 2019; 9:1-18
- Reimers A. Lamotrigine, bipolar disorder, and the pill‐free week. Bipolar Disord 2019; 21(4);372-373
- Reimers A., Ljung H. An evaluation of zonisamide, including its long-term efficacy, for the treatment of focal epilepsy. Exp Opin Pharmacother 2019;20(8):909-915
- Reimers A, Brodtkorb E. Therapeutic drug monitoring of antiepileptic drugs. Clin Lab Int Dec 2018/Jan 2019
- Hansen CC, Ljung H, Brodtkorb E, Reimers A. Aggressive behavior induced by antiepileptic drugs. Behavioural Neurology 2018; Volume 2018, article ID 2064027
- Reimers A, Helde G, Becser Andersen N, Aurlien D, Surlien Navjord E, Haggag K, Christensen J, Lillestølen KM, Nakken KO, Brodtkorb E. Zonisamide serum concentrations during pregnancy. Epilepsy Res 2018;144:25-29
- Westin AA, Reimers A, Spigset O. Gravide og legemidler: høyere eller lavere dose? Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2018;17
- Christensen J, Reimers A. Management of pregnant women with epilepsy who use lamotrigine. Epilepsy Research 2018 Jan 25. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2018.01.009. [Epub ahead of print]
- Reimers A, Andsnes Berg J, Larsen Burns M, Brodtkorb E, Johannessen SI, Johannessen Landmark C. Reference ranges for antiepileptic drugs revisited - a practical approach to establish national guidelines. Drug Des Devel Ther 2018; 12:271-280. DOI: 10.2147/DDDT.S154388
- Reimers A, Andsnes Berg J, Johannessen Landmark C. Harmonised reference ranges for antiepileptic drugs. Tidsskrift Nor Legeforen 26-06-2017; DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0392
- Reimers A, Olsson P, Nilsson J, Hoff E, Reis M, Strandberg M, Lundgren A, Källén K. Impact of generic substitution on levetiracetam serum concentration – a prospective study in an outpatient setting. Epilepsy Res 2017; 134:54-61
- Shirzadi M, Reimers A, Helde G, Sjursen W, Brodtkorb E. No association between non-bullous skin reactions from lamotrigine and heterozygosity of UGT1A4 genetic variants *2(P24T) or *3(L48V) in Norwegian patients. Seizure 2017; 45:169-171
- Svendsen T, Brodtkorb E, Reimers A, Molden E, Sætre E, Johannessen SI, Johannessen Landmark C. Pharmacokinetic variability, efficacy and tolerability of eslicarbazepine acetate-A national approach to the evaluation of therapeutic drug monitoring data and clinical outcome. Epilepsy Res 2017; 129:125-131
- Reimers A. Hormone replacement therapy with estrogens may reduce lamotrigine serum concentrations: a matched case-control study. Epilepsia 2016. DOI: 10.1111/epi.13597.
- Johannessen Landmark C, Svendsen T, Dinarevic J, Kufaas RF, Reimers A, Brodtkorb E, Baftiu A, Burns ML, Johannessen SI. The impact of pharmacokinetic interactions with eslicarbazepine acetate versus oxcarbazepine and carbamazepine in clinical practice. Ther Drug Monit. 2016;38(4):499-505
- Reimers A. Contraception for women with epilepsy: counseling, choices, and concerns. Open Access J Contraception 2016:7 69–76
- Brodtkorb E, Samsonsen C, Sund JK, Bråthen G, Helde G, Reimers A. Treatment non-adherence in pseudo-refractory epilepsy. Epilepsy Res 2016; 122:1-6
- Samsonsen C, Reimers A, Bråthen G, Helde G, Brodtkorb E. In response: Non-adherence to treatment causing acute hospitalizations in people with epilepsy: An observational, prospective study. Epilepsia 2015;56(2):320-1
- Reimers A, Brodtkorb E, Sabers A. Interactions between hormonal contraception and antiepileptic drugs - Clinical and mechanistic considerations. Seizure 2015; 28:66-70
- Reimers A, Sjursen W, Helde G, Brodtkorb E. Frequencies of UGT1A4 *2 (P24T) and *3 (L48V) and their effects on serum concentrations of lamotrigine. Eur J Drug Metabol Pharmacokin 2016;41(2):149-55
- Samsonsen C, Reimers A, Bråthen G, Helde G, Brodtkorb E. Non-adherence to treatment causing acute hospitalizations in people with epilepsy: An observational, prospective study. Epilepsia. 2014 Nov;55(11):e125-8
- Reimers A. New antiepileptic drugs and women. Seizure 2014;23(8):585-91.
- Samsonsen C, Bråthen G, Reimers A, Helde G, Brodtkorb E. Is dietary caffeine involved in seizure precipitation? Epilepsy Behav 2013;28(2):147-150
- Reimers A, Nakken KO, Lossius R, Brodtkorb E. Antiepileptika og førerkort – nye retningslinjer bør revideres. Tidsskrift Nor Legeforen 2012; 132:2040-2041
- Saga LC, Liland KH, Leistad R, Reimers A, Rukke EO. Relating fatty acid composition in human fingertip blood to age, gender, nationality and n-3 supplementation in the Scandinavian population. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012; 63(7):790-5
- Reimers A, Brodtkorb E. Second generation AEDs and pregnancy: a guide for clinicians. Expert Rev Neurother 2012;12(6):707-17.
- Esmurziev A, Reimers A, Andreassen A, Zahlsen K, Sundby E. Preparation, characterization and quantitative analysis of lamotrigine-N2-glucuronide. Molecules 2012, 17(1), 820-835
- Reimers A. Clinical pharmacology of lamotrigine. Doctoral thesis, The Medical Faculty, NTNU, Trondheim, 2011:159
- Dyrkorn R, Reimers A, Johannessen L, Spigset O. Påvisning av rusmidler i urin - dekker testene de aktuelle misbruksstoffene? Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 6, 2011; 131: 570–2
- Reimers A, Helde G, Bråthen G, Brodtkorb E. Lamotrigine and its N2-glucuronide during pregnancy: the significance of renal clearance and estradiol. Epilepsy Res 2011; 94:198-205
- Reimers A, Østby L, Stuen I, Sundby E. Expression of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A4 in human placenta at term. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 2011; 35(3-4):79-82
- Reimers A. Ett antibiotika? Flere antibiotiker? Antibiotikaer? Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2010; 130:2150
- Hønnås A, Reimers A, Spigset O. Dosering av digitoksin i klinisk praksis. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2010 ;130(13/14):1334-1336
- Westin AA, Nakken KO, Johannessen SI, Reimers A, Lillestølen KM, Brodtkorb E. Serum concentration/dose ratio of topiramate during pregnancy. Epilepsia 2009; 50(3):480-485
- Reimers A. Trends and changes in the clinical use of lamotrigine. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2009;18(2):132-9.
- Westin AA, Reimers A, Helde G, Nakken KO, Brodtkorb E. Serum concentration/dose ratio of levetiracetam before, during and after pregnancy. Seizure 2008;17(2):192-198
- Brodtkorb E, Reimers A. Seizure control and pharmacokinetics of antiepileptic drugs in pregnant women with epilepsy. Seizure 2008;17(2):160-165
- Helland A, Espnes KE, Reimers A, Aamo T, Zahlsen K, Rygnestad T, Spigset O. Legemiddel- og rusmiddelanalyser som øyeblikkelig hjelp. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2008;128: 42-5
- Reimers A, Skogvoll E, Sund JK, Spigset O. Lamotrigine in children and adolescents: The impact of age on its serum concentrations and on the extent of drug interactions. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2007;63(7):627-629
- Reimers A, Reinholt G. Acute lamotrigine overdose in an adolescent. Ther Drug Monitor 2007;29(5):669-670
- Reimers A, Langsetmo HK. Combined overdose of atomoxetine and methylphenidate in a cytochrome P450 2D6 poor metabolizer. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2007;27(1):110-111
- Reimers A, Brodtkorb E, Helde G, Spigset O. Lamotrigine serum concentrations throughout the menstrual cycle – a study of two subjects. J Clin Neuropharmacol 2006;29(3):160-2
- Castberg I, Reimers A, Sandvik P, Aamo TO, Spigset O. Adverse drug reactions of antidepressants and antipsychotics: Experience, knowledge and attitudes among Norwegian psychiatrists. Nord J Psychiatry. 2006;60(3):227-33.
- Reimers A, Helde G, Brodtkorb E. Ethinyl estradiol, not progestogens, reduces lamotrigine serum concentrations. Epilepsia 2005;46(9):1414-7
- Reimers A, Skogvoll E, Kutschera Sund J, Spigset O. Drug interactions between lamotrigine and psychoactive drugs: Evidence from a therapeutic drug monitoring service. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2005;25(4):342-348
- Reimers A. P-piller kan påvirke metabolismen av andre legemidler. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2004; 124:1785-7
- Reimers A, Spigset O. Declaration of fructose and fructose-related adverse effects in commercial drug preparations in European countries. Drug Safety 2003;26(14):1057-1059
- Vetterlein F, Reimers A, Schmidt G. Changes in renal microcirculation induced by infusion of (Fe3+)- and (Fe2+)-myoglobin during hemorrhagic hypotension in the anesthetized rat: influence of L-NAME and 8-Br-cyclic GMP. Nephron 1996;73(2):243-50
- Koppenhöfer E, Ditzen G, Gerst F, Reimers A. Kaliumkanalblocker in der Neurologie. TW Neur Psychiatrie1995; 9:585-591
- Bohuslavizki KH, Hänsel W, Kneip A, Koppenhöfer E, Reimers A, Sanmann K. Reduction of MS-related scotomatas by a new class of potassium channel block¬ers from Ruta graveolens. Neuro-ophtalmology1993;13(4):191-198
- Bohuslavizki KH, Hänsel W, Kneip A, Koppenhöfer E, Reimers A, Sanmann K. Blocking of potassium channels in Ranvier nodes by 4,5,6,7-substituted benzof¬urans and its significance on demyelinating diseases. Gen Physiol Biophys 1993;12(3):293-301
- Bohuslavizki KH, Hänsel W, Kneip A, Koppenhöfer E, Reimers A. Potassium channel blockers from Ruta – a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Gen Physiol Biophys 1992;11(4):507-512
- Inselmann G, Kutzschbach A, Heidemann HT. Amphotericin B and sodium deoxycholate induced impairment of renal p-aminohippurate accumulation (PAH) and effect on lipid peroxidation in the rat kidney. Ren Fail 1992;14(1):17-21
- Reimers A. Der Einfluß von Amphotericin B auf die p-Aminohippursäureakkumulation in der Niere. Doctoral thesis. The Medical Faculty, Christian-Albrechts-Universitet, Kiel. (1991)